What is International Cosplay League

What is the International Cosplay League?


The International Cosplay League is an international cosplay competition created and organized by Japan Weekend – the largest event of its kind in Spain.

Once again at RYUCON 2025, representatives of Poland will be selected in the SOLO and DUO categories to compete in the finals in Madrid with representatives of 11 countries from three different continents.


What is the competition system?

We choose a duo and a soloist. The duo is based on performance (60% performance and 40% craftsmanship), and the solo is based entirely on craftsmanship, so performance is not required. In the finals, everyone in the SOLO category will perform on the catwalk to music chosen by the organizer, and then the cosplay performances in the DUO category will begin.


Do you want to contribute to the development of the International Cosplay League in Poland?


Take part in the national qualifiers for the International Cosplay League! This is the fourth year in a row that cosplayers from all over the country will come to Krakow to compete for the opportunity to represent Poland in an international competition. The winners will go to Madrid in September 2025 for the Japan Week festival to compete with cosplayers from other countries in two categories – SOLO and DUO.

Read more about Japan Weekend.